Yoga of Awareness

IMG00961-20131130-1312 A scientific set of exercises (kriyas) that will heal and transform  your nervous and endocrine systems. Raising your energy . So that your bodies , minds and lives flow easier.

All the exercises are doable , there is no holding of traditional yoga asanas. Everyone works with eyes closed so that the focus is internal and you are aware of your own body and work to your ability .

We use beautiful music and mantras to ease the meditation process. Immersing ourselves in sacred sounds.

 “Pranayama” is a major part of yoga and we learn to reconnect to our breath releasing toxins and refueling every cell of our bodies.

All ages are welcome, all levels are welcome. As you work to your ability and gradually you will gain flexibility and strength. The flexibility of the spine greatly influences our aging process. The more flexible the spine is the more youthful we feel and the more flexible we are in life.

This form of yoga has greatly helped me navigate menopause. I highly recommend it!!

Kundalini Yoga is not a religion a cult or a dogma.

This yoga is a yoga for every day, life for every day people.

You are not required to be fit or a yogi or to believe in anything particular.

You are required to come with an open mind and to have some fun and rediscover how strong you are physically and mentally .

           “keep up and you will be kept up” Yoghi Bahjan.

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